Fresh from the great WOMAD 2016 festival at Charlton Park we have produced a video explaining how the Blispa app enhanced the festival experience.
The public loved this comprehensive guide to everything onsite. Content included all performances , workshops and artists biographies and trader directory. Trader ads provided offers from stalls on site, linked to stages and performances. Safety was enhanced through the “finder” wristbands, which enabled friends and family to see where wearers were onsite in the app, giving them extra reassurance and freedom to explore the festival. Despite the comprehensive content is was easy to create, since styling was automatic and easy to enter and maintain in the online content management system. Much of the content was automatically created from content from the Eventhalo event management platform. This means less work for organisers. With the location aware app, organisers gain valuable insights into crowd movements. Before the event they gained insights into visitors intended movements, and during the festival could see real time crowd movement analytics.
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