Blispa tours and games provide location based tours and games that work indoors and out. For players they are simply fun ways to explore. For They are fun to play and help you explore a location in fun ways. The tours and trails can be provided as a standalone application – or integrated in our festival, event and town guides apps.
For destination managers, museums and events they are great ways to increase footfall, generate revenue and can easily be created using our online beacon management platform. We provide a complete turnkey solution for the app and beacon technology, so you can focus on creating engaging content.
Playing the game
Our tours and trails are triggered by beacons hidden indoors and out.
At the WOMAD festival for example, questions were triggered around the arboretum, presenting questions and facts about the trees, their history and the countries from around the world that they originated.
Creating the game
Games are created in our online platform and instantly published. No developer input is required. In a museum or tour guide application the platform can enable you to create structured multimedia tours that can be quickly and easily adapted to new exhibitions or events.