Applications using the Blispa platform
Blispa provides a complete technology and proximity business solution, which we have used to develop applications in a number of key vertical markets. These provide visitors with fun, informative apps and the event organisers with valuable insights into visitor behaviours. We have focussed on providing solutions that are easy for our customers to install, operate and manage with all aspects managed and supported by Blispa.
1Events and Festivals
We provide a platform creating event and festival guides triggered by beacon interactions. This provides a platform organisers can use to build timetables, line ups and event information. Festival goers get the comprehensive information they need to get the most out of events, in a fun, engaging manner. Event organisers, retailers and promoters gain valuable insight into crowd behaviours, simple app setup and maintenance and new revenue opportunities.

A turnkey solution
Blispa provide a turnkey service, from initial planning, integrating your existing content through to installing beacons onsite and managing the user interactions through the app. Our white label app can be published quickly, with bespoke custom styling options available.
Experiences and games
Beacons provide a platform for creating engaging user interactions with festival goers. These can include proximity triggered games, new opportunities in crowd interactions and retail engagement. Blispa can build on the base platform to produce unique experiences for your festival.
Analytics, operational insights
Beacon interactions provide a non-invasive, anonymous way for organisers to gain insights into crowd movements in near real time. This can help with operational issues, safety and planning future events.
Case Study:
2Museums and Galleries
For museums our platform provides a way of increasing the reach of your digital content, linking it to your displays and the surroundings. The platform supports non-linear exploration, games and trails or orchestrated tours curated by you, and personalised by the user. Working indoors and out we can link town trails and exploration to museum content, helping draw visitors into the museum and linking local attractions to local businesses.

Curated tours, personalisation
Beacons trigger your curated content as users explore, giving users access to your rich digital content in new ways. Tours can be themed, targeted at specific groups and the user can personalise their own exploration
Orchestration and interaction
Beacon and app interactions allow tours to be orchestrated in real time, or analysed to improve content and identify what works well. Different routes can be provided as the app can be used for way-finding and navigation.
Getting people through the door
Integrating museum guides with wider town trails, potentially linking museums and galleries together, helps encourage visitors over the threshold. This brings new ways of interpreting content and linking it to the surroundings.
3Games and Trails
City wide tours and directory guides provide visitors and residents with a fun way of exploring and finding out about new places. We link custom maps, directories and content, with fun games, questions and experiences. Beacon triggers provides timely and relevant information, offers and fun engagement.

Attractive custom maps which highlight things to see and help explorers track what they have seen help tourists find the hidden gems and independent shops
The platform enables targeted offers and promotions to be presented as visitors pass by, and can be linked to games and trails opening up a city to new ways of exploration.
Links to live travel information can provide active engagement with passengers at stops and park and ride sites, without costly onsite RTPI equipment.
4City Concierge
Our City Concierge provides a city wide tour and directory, triggered by beacons. This provides visitors and residents alike with a fun way of finding out about new places. We link custom maps, directories and content with fun games, questions and experiences. This can help customers connect with local attractions, museums and local transport information.

Attractive custom maps which highlight things to see and help explorers track what they have seen help tourists find the hidden gems and independent shops
Retailers and attractions
The platform enables targeted offers and promotions to be presented to visitors as they pass by, and can link these to games and tours to encourage footfall. For smaller retailers it can provide a gateway to add on services such as online sales and concierge delivery.
Transport and hyper local information
Beacons can trigger local information of value to residents. These can include local transport information, including links to real time departures, so providing a much more cost effective alternative to costly RTPI displays.
Case Study: